SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS: The Power of Outcome and Behavior-Based Goals

SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS: The Power of Outcome and Behavior-Based Goals

For many, sitting down and actually taking the time to formulate a goal seems a little unnecessary. Everyone wants to be healthier, fitter, leaner and more toned and you do that by moving more and eating less, right? Well yes, but if you don’t have a clear goal in mind that’s specific, measurable and time bound, you’ll faff about and will miss out on being efficient and effective with your time and energy.

There are two types of goals I want to talk to you about.

Outcome-based and behaviour-based. Each is just as important to create in order to become the person you want to be.

Outcome-based goals are those that you dream about. Fitting into those summer dresses, losing that pesky belly fat, running 10k or finally being able to do that pull up.

These types of goals are the ones we tend to set and often stop there. The problem is that there is no indication of HOW to get there. No process, no sacrifices, no possible obstacles. So what you need are behaviour-based goals as well. These are the underdogs, the forgotten about gems that lead to true success.

Behavior-based goals are the habits that you need to form in order to ultimately achieve your outcome-based goals. These are the small, daily actions that you take in order to move closer to your bigger objectives.

For example, if your outcome-based goal is to lose 5kgs, your behavior-based goals might include things like:

Doing strength training 2-3 times a week
Prioritising protein in every meal
Going for a walk or jog for 30 minutes 3 mornings a week
Drinking at least 8 cups of water per day

By focusing on these specific behaviors, you can develop a consistent, healthy routine that will help you achieve your outcome-based goal of losing weight. Behavior-based goals are important because they provide a clear roadmap for how to get where you want to go, and they give you the accountability and motivation to stick to your plan.


Female personal Trainer - Menopause nutrition support - Meno Mojo


I’m Amy – a qualified personal trainer from Newcastle who wants to help you navigate menopause with strength and confidence. An exercise scientist and women’s health & fitness coach, I believe all women deserve to feed good in their own skin.

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